LXC, the original implementation of Linux containers, has gotten
very good since its 1.0 release. Compared to Docker, the features are
all there except the customization provided by Docker's filesystem
overlay system. While clever, Docker's system encourages downloading
of untrusted code and images. For these reasons, LXC remains my
favorite, and I would recommend it for production before Docker.
But how can LXC be customized easily? The template system is great
for OS-level installs. The lxc-start command will fork the template
as a process, supplying as arguments the necessary information for the
template script to create the root filesystem. There is pretty much
no documentation for this, except looking at the scripts that ship
with LXC. The process tree for running a template looks like this:
lxc-create -t download -n foo -- --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64
\_ lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:1000:65536 -m g:0:1000:65536 -- /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --path=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo --name=foo --rootfs=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo/rootfs --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64 --mapped-uid 0 --mapped-gid 0
\_ /bin/sh /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --path=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo --name=foo --rootfs=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo/rootfs --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64 --mapped-uid 0 --mapped-gid 0
But what if we want to install our apps also? It's a bad smell to
fork a template script (like lxc-download) and tack our apps to the
end of it.
Chaining is one solution. Let's wrap the lxc-download invocation
with a custom template. We'll be limited to adding custom code
immediately before or immediately after the wrapped script, but I
believe that's good enough for most cases. Here's our goal:
lxc-create -t /home/erik/src/lxc-gentoo-custom/lxc-gentoo-custom -n foo -- --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64
\_ lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:1000:65536 -m g:0:1000:65536 -- /home/erik/src/lxc-gentoo-custom/lxc-gentoo-custom --path=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo --name=foo --rootfs=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo/rootfs --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64 --mapped-uid 0 --mapped-gid 0
\_ /bin/bash /home/erik/src/lxc-gentoo-custom/lxc-gentoo-custom --path=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo --name=foo --rootfs=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo/rootfs --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64 --mapped-uid 0 --mapped-gid 0
\_ /bin/sh /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --path=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo --name=foo --rootfs=/home/erik/.local/share/lxc/foo/rootfs --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64 --mapped-uid 0 --mapped-gid 0
To invoke this, I've simply replace my -t argument to lxc-create
with the full path of my wrapper:
lxc-create -t ~/src/lxc-gentoo-custom/lxc-gentoo-custom -n foo -- --dist gentoo --release current --arch amd64
You can imagine now that further wrappers can be added. Maybe the
innermost installs the OS (and comes from upstream LXC), wrapped by a
script that installs common business libraries, wrapped by a script
that installs the apps specific to that host.
Below is my implementation of lxc-gentoo-custom. It does nothing
before the wrapped execution except parse out the arguments that it
needs later. Unfortunately, most of the code in the script is to
mirror the argument-parsing from the wrapped script.
After the inner script is executed, we install to the root
filesystem a script /sbin/provision, and then append the
lxc.hook.start to the container's config file that will cause
/sbin/provision to be invoked (albeit prior to init, so we won't have
access to running daemons).
options=$(getopt -o d:r:a:hl -l dist:,release:,arch:,help,list,variant:,\
rootfs:,mapped-uid:,mapped-gid: -- "$@")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
eval set -- "$options"
while :; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help) do_create=0; shift 1;;
-l|--list) do_create=0; shift 1;;
-d|--dist) shift 2;;
-r|--release) shift 2;;
-a|--arch) shift 2;;
--variant) shift 2;;
--server) shift 2;;
--keyid) shift 2;;
--keyserver) shift 2;;
--no-validate) shift 1;;
--flush-cache) shift 1;;
--force-cache) shift 1;;
--name) LXC_NAME=$2; shift 2;;
--path) LXC_PATH=$2; shift 2;;
--rootfs) LXC_ROOTFS=$2; shift 2;;
--mapped-uid) LXC_MAPPED_UID=$2; shift 2;;
--mapped-gid) LXC_MAPPED_GID=$2; shift 2;;
*) break;;
set -ak $UPSTREAM_TEMPLATE_DIR/lxc-download $orig_params
set +ak
if [ "$do_create" = 1 ]; then
echo Do post-work
pushd $LXC_ROOTFS/sbin
cat >provision <<EOF
touch /tmp/provision
chmod +x provision
cat >>$LXC_PATH/config <<EOF
# On container start (before init runs), do some provisioning checks
echo Skipping provision work based on options
exit 0
I hope this gives you an example of how LXC's template system can
be extended with minimal effort and without forking upstream template